c/o Arek Jendzicki, Sokola 4/50, 44117 GLIWICE, POLAND.
Email: Necrophiliack@go2.pl
Reviews of paper fanzines and demos from the depths...
Death metal will be totally dead, totally putrid and disgusting one more time! Any kind of mellowdick and watering down influence will definitely escape the turmoils of pain to let escape and explode the strongest revenge and pure hatred! Pure fucking death in your face!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!
But, I should slow down the insane dreams of prevailing pure putridity, since most of the coming-back old bands disappoint the strongest fans of death metal down to rotting agony (Pure damnation!), and the newest bands, even if some are good, aren't able to match the shredding enthusiasm of the end 80's…
So, a wiser possibility would be to extract again the morbid saviors from some older tape recordings; even if some weren't the best, at least the obscure feeling and enough putridity were there.
This time, I'll exhume an old demo of the finish band PHLEGETHON. Before all confining walls start to tremble, I should immediately state they didn't sound that much like a Finnish death metal band of the 90's. In fact, the style of these fukkers of dead was much more complex and technical.
Imagine the first album of DARKTHRONE (When they were playing quite technical (For this epoch!) and obscure death metal) with some death thrashing influences exploding the pustular agony right from the frustrated bowels of MERCILESS's first album ("The awakening") and a bit of OLD FUNERAL (First demo). Add few crazy riffs, some "dissonant" melodies resonating a quite bizarre way, and your vision of death is focused on the right maelstrom of pain!
Well, to be a bit more realistic, I should notice this tape wasn't that killer and emptiness-filling; not sure if some current metal-listeners would like it that much, but a good answer could be: FUCK YOU!! This sounds quite crazy enough for my putrid needs, and the complexity of the thing, even if it doesn't necessarily sounds composed the best way, makes it nice for my traumatic brain!
A cool tape for Death metal maniacs... These words shall be your grave.
Does it really sound so much as a tribute anymore? Doesn't it sound strange to hear a drummer paying homage to his own music on a tribute album?
Questions could flow, and re-flow... And that's kinda old blabber, isn't it? So we'll simply talk about the music, since it's what matters the most :-)
-First of all, you had KREATOR (Or better said Mille?) making "Witching hour" more thrashy, faster, and displaying the frenetic vocals of Mille Petrozza. A quite good cover, that showed some energy. Some might say “Grrrr”.
-Then, ANATHEMA did a cool version of "Welcome to hell". It kept somekind of the initial obscure mood (If I could say so), with a quite moody production and low-pitched vocals distorted through an obscure chorus. Not bad at all, and quite groovy... I wished ANATHEMA followed much more this kind of vibes, because most of their own stuffs only disappointed my imagination...
-Then, VOIVOD turned "In league with satan" in their own way. It definitely sounded like VOIVOD, with high-pitched & quite "visionary" vocals, a sci-fi aspect, and other cool stuffs... I didn't like it much at the time, because I was young and the vocals seemed strange, but they did a nice job. Cool.
-Then some guys of NUCLEAR ASSAULT, and other peoples (From the studio?), tried to cover "Die hard"... But it wasn't that good (Huh!). I have never been a fan of this particular song, and the quite Us heavy metallish vocals didn't do it (Urk)... A quite boring cover!
-Where there ever some SKYCLAD fans in the assembly? Well, their first album was cool, but what about the following? This time they turned "Prime evil" in their own middle-age world... Ok, they kinda changed the song, with violins and few other goblins, but I never found it good. Blah!
-SODOM surprisingly choose to cover "1000 days in Sodom" (What a clever choice! Ah! I guess VENOM might even have been the origin of their moniker) and did an ok but just average job... It sounds like the average heavy moments of SODOM era 93-95 (Tapping the vein), and I never liked it much... (SODOM = Fast as fuck! In your ass baby!!)
-Then, various peoples covered "Countess bathory" under the CANDLEMASS moniker, and there's not much to say... This was just an average one, while the original was better.
-After all of this, it could have been better, but it's not really... PARADISE LOST did a quite boring cover of "In nomine sathanas" that sounded like the heaviest of their "Shades of god" album, minus the sorrow... And blah! You get bored.
-Then came the little surprise: Two new songs of VENOM that probably disappointed some die-hards: It was a time when the guys were experimenting with Indus metal. Even if these two songs weren't mind-blowing, I kinda like the atmosphere and the kinda "Easy listening" indus metal à la old NIN or FILTER... It might have been a cool idea for VENOM to do more of these experiments and release it under another moniker (What about turning the letters inside out? You get MONEV? Just an effort, and it turns to MONEY!? Some kind of prophecy? Ah Ah)
Finally, what you got was an average tribute album that contained a lot of average recordings, and it rather tasted like a compilation of various (Discutably useful) things than a real tribute.... Nothing vital, even for big fans... I still use to like it for "Nostalgic reasons", but that's all... Hopefully KREATOR, ANATHEMA and VOIVOD did it right and offered coolified covers. (And the artwork was cool).
c/o In the zine Of Evil, Evergreen, Hartfield Road, Seaford, East Suessex, BN25 4PR, UNITED KINGDOM.
Email: inthezineofevil@yahoo.co.uk
There are many reviews, something like 200 or more. The editor is trading tapes and CDr all over the world, so you will likely cross deeply obscure names you didn't know before... Into these 144 pages that come with minimalist layout (There are few pictures, due to the printing costs. But it's all computer done, nothing hand-written lol) you''ll also see quite long interviews with: Embrace of thorns, Pek, Antacid, Begrime exemious, Enshadowed, Demonic rage, Hellspirit, Bestial holocaust.
Sometimes the English is quite strange, I need an effort to understand everything. This is a deeply underground zine that might turn on the lights of biggest maniacs, exclusively. Anyway there's no email address inside, so how could the "unmaniacs" get a copy?
(Ps: Notice this review was totally written during a hard and painful session in the Wc, while building a strong "castle of big shit". No joke, the inspiration can also come from "this" inside Ah Ah)
c/o Adam Stasiak, Ul.Zakopianska 42/3, 80139 GDANSK. POLAND.
This seem to be another cool underground contact, the guy got back to my promo with a zine and two demos from Poland... To get in touch write there: Wojtek Lis, Ul. Dekutowskiego 16/39, 39-400 Tarnobrzeg, POLAND.
Email: nnchzine@interial.pl
The interviews are personalized and quite interesting, the reviews are honest and numerous, the dark but easily readable layout is situated between the cut'n paste and the computerized... I might be wrong, but I might say the substance and atmosphere is situated somewhere between PANZERFAUST and NECROSCOPE zine.
I have not much to complain about RITUAL MURDER, apart from the usual matter of tastes and the fact I would enjoy the reading much more if it wasn't stuffed with about 80% of black metal... There's a total of 60 pages. Interviews: OBEISANCE, FURZE, CHRISTICIDE, CIANIDE, EMBRACE OF THORNS, TOTAL HOLOCAUST Records, KAAMOS, INCRIMINATED, MORBID EXECUTION, BESTIAL RAIDS, EITAN BLOOD, NECROS CHRISTOS.
The editor doesn't care for distribution, but prefers to directly sell his copies, so the best way to get yours will probably be to send a snail mail here: Marek Górecki, ul. Ostrowiecka 6/49, 62-600 Radom 12 POLAND or to send an email here: ritual666@poczta.onet.pl
What I see is an underground focused paper zine, that mostly deals with death and black metal. The 18 pages are packed with quite a lot of things, including the usual interviews (Sardonicus, Empheris, Misteria, Gallileous), reviews and live reports. I can't talk about the meaning of all this, but the interviews are quite long and the bands seem talkative, so it might not be the usual robotic questions. The lay out is clear but quite varied enough.
Notice there isn't any email inside, only snail mails... ONLY SNAIL MAIL IS REAL!! (At least you might remember a whelk mail much better).
I sent TOTAL DEATH a CDr promo quite recently, and he got back with a copy of his zine plus a CDr compilation, so he seems to be a cool and motivated underground supporter. To get in touch, send a snail mail with many flyers here:
Krzysztof Berestecki, PO Box 70, 38400 KROSNO 1, POLAND.
I forgot to say my copy (#11) was numbered with human blood.
c/o VERTEY Stéphane, Chemin du for Bonnelle, 52200 LANGRES, FRANCE.
Email: War-crystallis@hotmail.fr
The lay-out was computer done and is very clear (A bit too much) but packed with quite a lot of infos. On one finger the zine isn't very big (20 pages) on the other finger the text-size is small, so there's no blank space in your face.
As well as his unknown comrade of SATANIC METAL, FUNERAL VOMIT did an average issue, but for a first subterranean-shot I read really worst, and he would kinda deserve encouragements if he keeps the motivation going. This time I hope improvements will ring the doors of Ms Beautiful Layout, Mr Content and Mr MetalofDeath.
c/o Peter Gresko, Vasarter u.2, Tokaj 3910, HUNGARY.
Email: Funeral_vomit@freemail.hu
The hordes of industrials robots will invade the earth... Brrrr
METALIZE IT is a small fanzine from Belgium (And not Itally or outer-space, the "It" doesn't stand for a country suffix or an ET things, right?) that was printed with content of their webzoom, and is distributed for free (600 copies). The 28 A5 pages contain both underground and not so underground outfits, between Black, Death metal and melodic variations of the styles. The interviews aren't very long, generally a little bit more than 10 questions, but the interrogations are personalized so it works a cool manner.
The reviews reminds me a bit of IN EXTREMIS from France, but with less criticism and words-playing... Sometimes I feel they could dig digger in the bowels and minds of the bands to extract the pulp of asskicking. It's written in French. Some cool Belgian bands are inside. This is a cool paper thing for peoples who don't shake the meaning of the word metal in every ways, but rather like to feel the milky ways of relaxing metal after an hard day of work.
Webstring: http://www.metalize-it.be
c/o Artur Znojek, PO Box 4, 25517 Kielce 15, POLAND.
Email: sm_zine@op.pl
For more reviews, interviews,
check out
Nihilistic Holocaust webzine: