
CHRONIC INFECTION (Mex) Paradoxical infection Demo tape'07. DEATHMUTT Records.

Where are all the brutal death and Death metal webzines that infected the web 4-5 years ago? In lack of cool underground scriptures to read on a weekly basis, it seems I'll have to do it myself..."Paradoxical infection" is a quite cool demo that roughly mixes almost current brutal death, regular brutal stuffs and old styled 94-98 brutality. First you have the DISGORGE (Usa), early DISGORGE (Mex), MINDLY ROTTEN and some American ultra blastong brutalitong, then you hear some early SOILS OF FATE/ CANNIBAL CORPSE, and you like some BROKEN HOPE (Before the ultra technical), MORTAL DECAY (First CD) or old SKINLESS (Heavier riffs)... (You also find few jazzy technical touches or eventually zests of older Death metal...)I'm not too much into their fast/ most brutal "crazy" moments, as it seems to be a bit "too much", and some songs' structures are a bit strange (Kinda like imperfect changes or too much riffs), but some other riffs are cool à la mid old BROKEN HOPE or old MORTAL DECAY and turns the whole morbid dysentery into a more entertaining symphony for castrated bowels. It remains perfectible and some tracks are a bit long, but this demo contains proofs of coolness and might please brutal death heads who aren't against some "diversity".
Label: muttcoremuttcore@yahoo.com
Band: http://www.chronicinfection.com

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