This is quite efficient and complex thrashing crossover filled with all the fucked christmas gifts and decoherence you need. "Fun is in the detonator!" They got it and cut up their songs often, to reach an almost old Grind state of mind and avoid the lengths (Why the fuck waiting till the beer is hot? Drink it fresh!). It sounds quite crazy, frenetic, fresher than the usual... Beer! Beer is unholy, "You broke my hear, so I broke your face!".
Think about early DESTRUCTION meets SPAZZTIC BLUR (Later brewed with 2 ex beercore bangers from WEHRMACHT), early SUICIDAL TENDENCIES (Mellow cat vocals outside), DARKNESS (1st Hell-P), the FILTHY CHRISTIANS (Maybeer?) and SOD, and your vision won't be too blurry... Some peoples might piss and refuse to swallow, thinking it's too full of beers to be serious and decently played... Wrong! This is really tight and correctly brewed for the time (Time of the beers, time of the beers...It fucking makes me thirsty!).
Fuck my Lp player is broken!!! How will I bang my head?
In a way, this is a very good recording for those who like the motivated and engaged side of old crossover, the thrashmania, the quite "chaotic" structures and humor from some early core-grinding grindcowww... Maybeer not so cult whatever beer-drying matters might doomy influence the thrashing minds to sleep, but quite worth the beer sucking!
Steal my beer,
Drink my beer;
Piss my bear!
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