On. Off. On. Off. On. Off... When the fuck will the remains of the underground let continuously flow the dense vibrations of morbidity? When we, us the putrefiers, will be able to completely rejoice in morbidity? Boring, boring... I'm hungry for pure fucking death!! Boring, boring, boring... Well since the real massive revelation of cadaveric entrapment isn't scheduled for tomorrow, I'm hopefully able to introduce a nice small band that might help the patience of your ugly needs... PURGE is a quite cool Death metal band whose main influences are old-styled and remind what used to be procreated years ago... To clearly view the body of all sufferrances, you need to imagine some early DEATH, old MORGOTH, few AUTOPSY, mixed with the US Death metal of once (Like IMMOLATION's first album, some doomy DECREPIT, bits of INCANTATION, or eventually DETERIORATE's first Lp). You'll be served quite a lot of various tempos: Mid placed, fast (Almost no blasts), slow, doomy... Some parts are cool or nicely energetic, some doomy riffs or IMMOLATION influences sounds okey to drip in a nice atmosphere... But on the other hand some riffs are a bit too usual, and sometimes I feel like listening to the standard Death metal bands that tried to evolve in France 12 years ago... All in all, it's a demo with both cool and not so cool moments, but it contains enough coolness for the listener to check the tape from time to time and imagine quite good future underground promises.The band was basically born as the Death metal subproject of some black metallers, but since the recording of this tape-rape many things changed in the line-up section, and it seems to me PURGE became more than a sub-project... I'm waiting for the next recording to judge what could morbidly occur in the depths of insane viciousness! http://www.myspace.com/purgedeathmetal
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