Butts up ladies and womenowar, IN THE ZINE OF EVIL is a new small paper zine focused on the New Wave of English thrash metal... N.W.O.E.T.M? Yes, it seems a little banging something is happening in United Kingdoom! Few years ago I thought old school thrash metal would make a strong come back; It's slower than expected and might not become so big, but at least the movement gets stronger! In fact the zine is really small, made of only 8 A5 pages, but hopefully it's nice enough to avoid disinterest: The two interviews with RAGER and GAMA BOMB are short but nice (For exemple I learnt Digby/ Earache actually bothered to communicate with some bands, quite surprising according to the last years' events) and there's a dozen of Ok thrashing reviews that focus on small bands you might not know. The zine is totally pro printed and looks cool. It can be felt some energey and enthusiasm is currently banging the skull in the thrash metal genre. I think the Earache advert on last page could have easily been replaced by an interview or underground flyers. For a first issue it's Okey/ nice, I hope the editor will offer more and more content in the future, so that the readers can learn more and more about what happens in the thrash metal scene... And so could easily break their necks.
c/o In the zine Of Evil, Evergreen, Hartfield Road, Seaford, East Suessex, BN25 4PR, UNITED KINGDOM.
Email: inthezineofevil@yahoo.co.uk
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