Do not expect something new, original or standing out, you little trendy piece of shit! There's nothing to fit your clerically vampirized 2007 criterias that lamely forgot the guts, the pain and the agony! Anyway the goal of the band isn't to be original or "Zzzzpezzziiiial"... Would you reproach a grindcore band to blast? Would you reproach a black metal band to scream like little cats? Would you reproach a metal band to play with guitars? So, In this case it's almost the same: It would be quite useless to reproach DOWN FROM THE WOUND to play fucking brutal US Brutal death, devoid of any melody or so called "Original" influence (In case some didn't notice, in the early years Brutal death was fucking original and over the top, as it inserted many new ideas and took the whole affair much deeper... In your suffering asshole!... Ooooh! It's not so original anymore?... And then? How long will your current trend be original and fresh? How many months? How many weeks? And how long will you care when the style will be denied or forgotten by most? If you're not convinced, go ask Mozart or Bach if they wrote a new masterpiece each month and created a new style each semester)... But as always, many bands played the same again, and again, and again, so the minds and guts of the brutal maniacs got machine-washed with too many usual riffs, and the longing for brutality was declining... But sometimes, I'm happy to hear bands such as D.F.T.W who focus on a very specialized style and do their best to kick your ass... And it's quite good, yeah! Imagine US Brutality like old DISGORGE (Usa), old SUFFOCATION/ early PYREXIA, old NATRON ("A taste of blood" Demo) with some possible REPUDILATION, touches of BANISHED and other obliterating things like that... DOWN FROM THE WOUNDS sounds motivated, rigid, brutal and it works. The production is cool: It's not your overproduced clinical gay plastic guitars of 2007, No! Even if it's rigid, there's an heavy sound brutality once had (With quite vibrating bass frequencies to exterminate your speakers) and I like it! "Agony Through Rituals Of Self Purification" is more appealing than many of the Us brutal death albums I tried to listen this year... Ok, it isn't the brutal album of 2007, but this band is efficient enough to kick the ass and should be supported! (To enjoy, listen with your brutality, not your exhausted brain)
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