The two demos remain the same. The first being very influenced by CANNIBAL CORPSE (In a not so brutally penetrating manner), while the second was more blasting along the lines of, let's say, SUFFOCATION ("Despise the sun") yet with the Cannibalized Brootool approach.
Other things inside are the re-recording of an early track ("Tapping the vein") a more brutal and energetic way, or a live song ("Epoch of barbarity) that was taken with an ok and quite raw underground production.
The title of this compilation is quite misleading, because SOILS OF FATE isn't a part of the most extreme current Brutal Death bands, and these older demos do not sound extreme in 2007. This might be a cool release for big fans and nostalgics of their demo days, but it seems not many peoples will be interested... And was it a really needed release? After all, demos could eternally remain engraved in the good old tape format, and those who really need some obscure recordings could find it through tapes or Mp3s trading if they really want it (When you really want something, you're ready to make more than a single effort, and write snail mails!). Strictly for big fans and close friends.
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