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EMBALMED SOULS (Bra) The temple of bizarre cult Demo Tape'05.
Finally I'm able to put my hands on a copy of this band's releases... What I read in zines such as MUTILATING PROCESS (R.I.P- The zine of the lazy Death metal "supporter" Nathaniel who might have questioned the potential Sustainability and coherence of his underground will, before involving peoples into his short efforts...) helped me to build an imaginary picture of what EMBALMED SOULS' audio performances might be: Cryptic? Very morbid? Creeping? Ultra deadly Death metal?... But the truth often lies in your own listening sessions as no reviewer seems apparently able to exactly approach your own inner feelings (At least, it's how I often feel towards metal of death). To sum it up, the sounds of EMBALMED SOULS definitely smell the engravement of 90's Death metal, but this isn't to be name with the word "Ultra", to be followed by an obscure adjective of your choice... Musicalwize it's more melodic, even though it remains Death with a reasonably big "D", and so you could occur to view the first works of NECROPHOBIC, CEMETARY (Strictly "An evil shade of grey"), MORPHEUS (Swe), possibly early DISMEMBER, few Deaththrashing riffs à la early DEATH, with some doomy touch that occurs to turn to lyricism (View some early MY DYING BRIDE or PARADISE LOST ("Shades of god" era)).
The feelings to be found the most often are this death metal glory ridden by punching old death thrash beats, or the nice melancholy of doom quoted before.
This tape recording is a very nice item to explore once you're into the right mood for this kind of spirit, and the music is well done, but I regret there isn't more urges of Death thrashing metal, real morbid attacks from the inner of the damnation-entrails or more emotional intensity to match the "genius"; After a while, I'd really feel like shredding this beauty to pieces and open up the gorges of sufferance; Yes a part of this demo might be seen as beautiful (Following some doomy aesthetics).
This isn't a bad recording, it could offer you quite many qualities; But this isn't the most energetic band, as you probably have noticed; Something quite good to rest and feel, but not to kill.
I have to notice the band doesn't seem to be very serious concerning answering mail. I wrote at least two letters the last years (Asking for possible trade, wholesale...), but never received an answer... Maybe I'm not old school enough to awake their considerations? (Since I released about 50% of Brutal death, 50% of "shitty" CDr, and own several web-pages, I'm probably too "modern" for some peoples...).
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