

Yeah! More Polish zines to rest in putridity.I wonder what happens in this country... Maybe paper is cheaper than Internet accesses? Anyway, this time I'll be able to have a clearer idea of the content, because even if all the morbidious pages from this third issue are in polish, the editor had the good idea to print me some English translations! (For the foreign bands...) So my reviews of the current polish mania won't taste too much as "cheating" anymore Héhé. MORBIDIOUS PATHOLOGY is a quite fat (62 pages), A4 sized zine mostly dealing with the sounds of the dead: Death metal and brutal death! Hourah! Hourah! And the computer layout is quite tight and compressed, so there's quite a lot of content (Sometimes it might be a bit too clear or lacking of pictures, but the most important is an easy reading of the whole...)Now, concerning these translated interviews, I can say that I find it interesting, or sometimes more original than the usual music questions, the editor goes quite deep in the cranium of this patients while exploring matters such as history, religion or other serious matters... And it turns out to be the most interesting in the cases of ARES KINGDOM or MONOLITH DEATHCULT (Are they trying to provocate peoples for the only sake of self promotion? Huh). There are also other inties with FERMENTO, CIANIDE, RUDRA or EMBRIONAL.I must also say some of his reviews are quite long, for example he occurs to review a single zine in a half page (Small font size, around 7 or 8); I don't know if it's filled with drunk polish jokes or serious matters, but according to the content of the translated interviews my internal balance would rather seriously tend to the second solution.With the elements I have in hand, I could say MORBIDIOUS PATHOLOGY is a serious and extensive zine that might (Strongly?) please Polish-readers who like Death metal and brutal death more than a little bit...
c/o Arek Jendzicki, Sokola 4/50, 44117 GLIWICE, POLAND.
Email: Necrophiliack@go2.pl


The madness of Polish zines continues: I don't know what happens in their country but they seem very much into printing everything compose with words.This time I won't be able to read the content, but also will have problems to understand (And even read) the name from this zine that was drawn in necro scriptures... WSZUSZKHÄKSZÄ KSZA!!! KSZÄ!!! These eastern tongues sometimes sound like castrated madness.The zine is A5 sized and contains the deep underground matters you might know if you didn't cross my pages by hazard searching for "French homosexuals" or something like that on Google, and the nice layout is kinda cut'n paste with pictures of horror and necro atrocities.The content is kinda located in the deep underground, I know some of those bands and they released demos bound to remain under the soils... But to be honest, when I see an interview of LACTO VAGINAL, I'm not sure if I'd even want to understand polish, coz their music sucks Ah Ah. Hopefully there are other victims like DEAD HUMAN BODIES, HORROR or DEFORMED CONSCIENCE that might be more listenable, plus some reviews or articles (Bios, or some polish translations of old NAPALM DEATH lyrics (Possibly from 'Utopia banished", but since I often mix this album's title with "Harmony corruption", a yelling cat of mistake might hide somewhere between these words...) You might have understood this zine deals with death grind, brutal death, crust and stuffs like that.One of the two editors also runs an "intimate" underground CDr label and released various lo-fi underground shits... He's into underground support, trades and stuffs like that... So, you might need to get in touch, if you're not too addicted to the couch...
c/o Daniel/ Qba/ Kida, Os.Kustronia 2/3, 37611 CIESZANOW, POLAND.
Email: Impetigo@o2.pl


This isn't a new fanzine, but it's the first time I can read an issue. To make it clear at the very beginning: This is a metal metal zine that obviously deals with underground metal, with a tendency to take it the die hard way: Thrash metal, black metal, black death metal are the main genres.The interviews aren't bad, some are cool, some are more than cool; When he knows the interviewed ones a bit more it can lead to nice interpukes and volatile exchanges of acid vomit. The global layout is cool/ nice: It generally has some drawings around the texts (Reminds me some SLAYER Mag issues... Little problem, sometimes it hides the texts a bit) or it's the usual cut ‘haine’ paste on black background.Now, a less positive point has to be pointed out: Many of the reviews are short and very positive, so it's not very informative... Maybe he strictly wrote about releases he liked; this explains that, you could understand you'd like this or that band if you're a dire hard fanatic of metal metal (the real metal way, of corpse)... But if you're not totally metal metal (For example half metal metal or 80% metal metal, which would decrease the metalness of your whole metalization, huh?) you should be less metalizing.His English isn't perfect, but I don't have problems to understand (And I guess those who search for this kind of (s)exotic zines have developed since a long time some kind of "necro translator" that helps them to automatically correct the miss-takes while reading... So maybe those who complain are fresh newcomers who don't have the keys to metallize x2? héhé)This fourth (t)issue also contains and IRON FIST poster; The editor sent me a 3 tracks promo CD of this band, but I'm not sure if it comes with the zine, so don't order it exclusively for the promo CD! Ah Ah.DOMAIN could be a quite good read for big fans of metal who like it die hard and (th)underground, but it's not particularly a marble-statue breaker because other zines of this kind exist and it's more or less the same quality.Now, it's you to know how many zines you need each month (Yes, "Never enough" could be possible, if you really want it... All metal metal metal).
c/o /. Syaiful, Blk 670A #17-503, Choa Chu Kang Crescent, Singapore 681670.Email: Domainzine@hotmail.com

CHRONIC INFECTION (Mex) Paradoxical infection Demo tape'07. DEATHMUTT Records.

Where are all the brutal death and Death metal webzines that infected the web 4-5 years ago? In lack of cool underground scriptures to read on a weekly basis, it seems I'll have to do it myself..."Paradoxical infection" is a quite cool demo that roughly mixes almost current brutal death, regular brutal stuffs and old styled 94-98 brutality. First you have the DISGORGE (Usa), early DISGORGE (Mex), MINDLY ROTTEN and some American ultra blastong brutalitong, then you hear some early SOILS OF FATE/ CANNIBAL CORPSE, and you like some BROKEN HOPE (Before the ultra technical), MORTAL DECAY (First CD) or old SKINLESS (Heavier riffs)... (You also find few jazzy technical touches or eventually zests of older Death metal...)I'm not too much into their fast/ most brutal "crazy" moments, as it seems to be a bit "too much", and some songs' structures are a bit strange (Kinda like imperfect changes or too much riffs), but some other riffs are cool à la mid old BROKEN HOPE or old MORTAL DECAY and turns the whole morbid dysentery into a more entertaining symphony for castrated bowels. It remains perfectible and some tracks are a bit long, but this demo contains proofs of coolness and might please brutal death heads who aren't against some "diversity".
Label: muttcoremuttcore@yahoo.com
Band: http://www.chronicinfection.com

HAVOK (Bra) The ostentation of the eternal chaos Demo tape. HEREGE WARFARE Recs.

I noticed that for a change, some black metal labels begin to release Death metal... And this is not a bad idea at all if you ask me!This band plays a kind of Death metal that's not so old school, especially since they are Brazilian. Their cross is settled between the tombs of a thrashy Death metal and old DEICIDE, very early HYPOCRISY or old GOD DETHRONED... And not so hard-beating touches of early ANATA or mid old DEATH.Quite good powerful sound, cool low vocals, okey technical skills.Some drums or guitars could be more rrroooaaarrring (In some thrashy Death metal parts, the drums doesn't kick enough, it sounds a bit too "autoplay" the modern way... Some thrashy riffs sound also a bit too modern to kill) but HAVOK shows they're metallically enabled, and globally it's a cool Demo that might please those who could dig something like 90's Us Death metal mixed with some old GOD DETHRONED.

MANDATORY (Ger) Where they bleed MCD'07. ASPHYXIATE Recordings.

This MANDATORY did a bit of noise in the constantly reanimated corpse of old school Death metal microcosm that might grow again little by little, but who can be sure about it? (Manifestations of rebirth are too small and sporadic to certify a new rise of morbidity...)According to what I read (And my understanding isn't always very efficient these days) I expected something to be more crushing and with more devouring power… Maybe I'm not close enough to some nostalgic feelings that would "force" some peoples to brutally hail a band once the style is close to old styled Swedish Death metal... Yes, that's actually it, MANDATORY is mainly influenced by Swedish "Métal de la mort" from the 90's, both for the fast parts, the slower moments of sorrow, some heaviness, the production and everything you could expect from a band of this retro-style... Apart from a mega intense and devouring feeling of carnal morbidity (That would almost force you to turn the place inside out), and maybe a little more effort could be made towards the logic in the architecture of riffs... But that's not a bad recording in fact, I can listen to the whole thinking "Ok... Ok... Cool... Ok..." and reminding some DISMEMBER, GRAVE, a bit of early ENTOMBED, a bit of CARNAGE, a bit of early DEATH (1st Lp) and other kinds of Death bands from this era... But as far as I understand, it's only for big fans of the style and decrepiting nostalgiacs (Nostalgic maniacs) since it's only somewhere between the cool... and the cool ;-)

PURGE (Fra) Symbols of disgrace Demo tape'04.

On. Off. On. Off. On. Off... When the fuck will the remains of the underground let continuously flow the dense vibrations of morbidity? When we, us the putrefiers, will be able to completely rejoice in morbidity? Boring, boring... I'm hungry for pure fucking death!! Boring, boring, boring... Well since the real massive revelation of cadaveric entrapment isn't scheduled for tomorrow, I'm hopefully able to introduce a nice small band that might help the patience of your ugly needs... PURGE is a quite cool Death metal band whose main influences are old-styled and remind what used to be procreated years ago... To clearly view the body of all sufferrances, you need to imagine some early DEATH, old MORGOTH, few AUTOPSY, mixed with the US Death metal of once (Like IMMOLATION's first album, some doomy DECREPIT, bits of INCANTATION, or eventually DETERIORATE's first Lp). You'll be served quite a lot of various tempos: Mid placed, fast (Almost no blasts), slow, doomy... Some parts are cool or nicely energetic, some doomy riffs or IMMOLATION influences sounds okey to drip in a nice atmosphere... But on the other hand some riffs are a bit too usual, and sometimes I feel like listening to the standard Death metal bands that tried to evolve in France 12 years ago... All in all, it's a demo with both cool and not so cool moments, but it contains enough coolness for the listener to check the tape from time to time and imagine quite good future underground promises.The band was basically born as the Death metal subproject of some black metallers, but since the recording of this tape-rape many things changed in the line-up section, and it seems to me PURGE became more than a sub-project... I'm waiting for the next recording to judge what could morbidly occur in the depths of insane viciousness! http://www.myspace.com/purgedeathmetal

MALICIOUM (Swe) Cursed ground Demo CDr'08.

Fresh and motivated thrash death metal ripping your skull à la MERCILESS ("The awakening") with some technical and not so technical influences of AUDIOPAIN, and maybe a little something of KREATOR's "Terrible certainty". It's packed with a lot of right-hand-suffering riffs that makes them sounding kinda technical, even if it's not really, or not specially the case (Depending on your musical background). The screaming vocals make this band sound even closer to the outfits quoted before. MALICIOUM is definitely not something old school for the retro guys who need something soulful to rest, but there's no post end-90s influences either: It's motivated and fresh sounding, and I guess it would rather please younger enthusiastic bangers or energetic peoples who think it's never fast enough.Now on a critical point of spike, even if the whole sounds fresh and quite entertaining, I regret there's nothing really burning-catchy (You probably know, this kind of riffs many bands would love to write... But it's not only a matter of will...) and maybe some guitars sound a bit too technical/ complicated for a more convenient listening, but this kind of "kick-your head-with-many-notes-riffs" can work quite well in moments of disjoncted compressed brainstorm, and I guess MALICIOUM is too malicious to give a fuck about your tiredness problems héhé... To sum it up, this is a neat thrash demo that doesn't follow too blindly the current retro-trends of the style and could fit the needs of energetic bangers, but this isn't the next jewel of slowly brewed-metal... Check out their page to make your own alcoholic mind: http://www.myspace.com/malicioum666

REPUGNANT (Swe) Epitome Of Darkness CD'06. SOULSELLER Recs.

This album should remain a one-off, since Sweden’s Repugnant decided to call it quits shortly after the release of the disc. Mainly the product of one mastermind’s efforts, singer-guitarist Mary Goore (huhu), the conception of this record seems to have taken a lot of time and sweat. But whatever it took, the end result is worth the dime, it’s a solid piece of thrashing death metal, sweating both DIY, handcraft passion and experience (these guys sure ain’t newbies) by every pore. I for sure am no Swedish DM fan boy. I like very, very little stuff from that scene and even Entombed’s ‘Clandestine’ fails to convince me. Despite its undeniable qualities, Repugnant’s album is unlikely to change my mind, but they do it so good it just can’t be ignored either.These guys shamelessly but successfully try to recapture the feel and sound of their scene’s golden days, not the Sunlight era but actually the garage/demo days of Nihilist, Grotesque, Unleashed etc (hence the Morbid cover at the end of the album). Such a project requires total control over what they’re doing, that’s why they produced it themselves and did all the artwork too, even the photo shoots and members nicknames seem to have been thoroughly chosen. To cut it short, while never betraying their underground ethic, the band’s attitude and work is 100% professional. Nice tour de force! The music’s seemingly been conceived the same way. It’s raw and dirty as shit, but honestly not the scariest or most morbid stuff I’ve heard, despite the album‘s title, lyrics or imagery. This stuff’s been beaten to death for so long…I guess it’s only here to fit the ‘back to the roots’ approach. To me these songs’ appeal is elsewhere. They’re full of thrashing groove and head banging-friendly speed. There’s a certain melodic feel too, otherwise this wouldn’t be an old school Swedish DM album, but the music almost totally focuses on energy. Sound-wise, and this is also a hint about these dudes’ in-depth knowledge and specialist craft in old school DM, the listener will find pretty much everything buried under echo, especially the vocals. Those are totally in the vein of what could be heard in the late 80s on this side of the Atlantic : sharp, harsh, raspy screams with all available echo effects on ten, see Hellhammer, Bathory, early Sodom & Kreator and the likes. Keyword : E-V-I-L hehe.Interesting piece of work overall, only weakened by a somewhat zealous ’tribute’ approach resulting in a lack of personality. But out of the bunch of old school revival acts I know, this has to be the most convincing I’ve heard by now. TG of Death