A Death metal that especially choose the darkened paths of MORBID ANGEL ("Domination", with a touch of "Gateways") and execrates a nice atmosphere from the chalice of all captivating sins. The march is rather mid-placed, and heavy, with double kicks.
As said before, the MORBID ANGEL influence is strong (For the atmosphere, "dominating" heaviness, quite majestic leads... As well as for the vocals and production) but you could also find other elements such as impure waves of IMMOLATION, floridian Death metal (Something between BRUTALITY, RESURRECTION of later MORTA SKULED), some old HATE ETERNAL, a bit of crushing SUFFOCATION, fantomatic tumors à la CONVERGENCE FORM WITHIN (Even if C.F.W is more burning) and a little melodic something that helps to pack the composition a nice way.
To summarize my feelings, I'll say this cool band didn't discover the morbid musical words that instantaneously annihilate humanity and they didn't develop a language of their own yet, but it's a cool band with good atmospheres and whose potential only asks to be developed. Good fucking luck!
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