This MANDATORY did a bit of noise in the constantly reanimated corpse of old school Death metal microcosm that might grow again little by little, but who can be sure about it? (Manifestations of rebirth are too small and sporadic to certify a new rise of morbidity...)According to what I read (And my understanding isn't always very efficient these days) I expected something to be more crushing and with more devouring power… Maybe I'm not close enough to some nostalgic feelings that would "force" some peoples to brutally hail a band once the style is close to old styled Swedish Death metal... Yes, that's actually it, MANDATORY is mainly influenced by Swedish "Métal de la mort" from the 90's, both for the fast parts, the slower moments of sorrow, some heaviness, the production and everything you could expect from a band of this retro-style... Apart from a mega intense and devouring feeling of carnal morbidity (That would almost force you to turn the place inside out), and maybe a little more effort could be made towards the logic in the architecture of riffs... But that's not a bad recording in fact, I can listen to the whole thinking "Ok... Ok... Cool... Ok..." and reminding some DISMEMBER, GRAVE, a bit of early ENTOMBED, a bit of CARNAGE, a bit of early DEATH (1st Lp) and other kinds of Death bands from this era... But as far as I understand, it's only for big fans of the style and decrepiting nostalgiacs (Nostalgic maniacs) since it's only somewhere between the cool... and the cool ;-)
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