Fresh and motivated thrash death metal ripping your skull à la MERCILESS ("The awakening") with some technical and not so technical influences of AUDIOPAIN, and maybe a little something of KREATOR's "Terrible certainty". It's packed with a lot of right-hand-suffering riffs that makes them sounding kinda technical, even if it's not really, or not specially the case (Depending on your musical background). The screaming vocals make this band sound even closer to the outfits quoted before. MALICIOUM is definitely not something old school for the retro guys who need something soulful to rest, but there's no post end-90s influences either: It's motivated and fresh sounding, and I guess it would rather please younger enthusiastic bangers or energetic peoples who think it's never fast enough.Now on a critical point of spike, even if the whole sounds fresh and quite entertaining, I regret there's nothing really burning-catchy (You probably know, this kind of riffs many bands would love to write... But it's not only a matter of will...) and maybe some guitars sound a bit too technical/ complicated for a more convenient listening, but this kind of "kick-your head-with-many-notes-riffs" can work quite well in moments of disjoncted compressed brainstorm, and I guess MALICIOUM is too malicious to give a fuck about your tiredness problems héhé... To sum it up, this is a neat thrash demo that doesn't follow too blindly the current retro-trends of the style and could fit the needs of energetic bangers, but this isn't the next jewel of slowly brewed-metal... Check out their page to make your own alcoholic mind:
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