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This is a kinda pro-printed alike alook zine I directly got in trade with the editor who resides in Argentina. This issue isn't so big, but it's given for free, so you're not particularly in the right position to complain, you little clicking beggar. It's all written in Portuguese or Spanish (Not sure how to make the difference) so I won't be able to talk about the real content (Some peoples might say I'm a master at reviewing zines without reading! héhé) but a little description is always possible, so here you go: You can find quite a lot of articles in these 16 A4 pages, mostly interviews, live reports and reviews, but also some adverts for local shops and stuffs like that... Well these adverts probably pay for the printing costs, so why would you complain, you little clicking beggar? The interviews seem to be a bit short, but it also depends on the bands' talkative abilities (And Satan knows how the tongues of some bands occur to shorten so much, in these days of massive robotic myspace use...). The kinds of metal it deals with are quite varied, but not particularly modern; According to what I see I'd say the editor is between 25 and 30 years old. Well I'm not able to say much more. I did a trade with this guy and it went Ok, so STEELFACES might be a cool contact if you want to trade some stuffs or get some support in Argentina.
Interviews: Nunslaughter, Zona negra, Eidyllion, Bayron
Live reports: Napalm death, Exodus, Glenn Hugues, Therion...
CALLE 8 Nº 3776
It seems like the good old slogan "Are you metal enough for that?" will perfectly fit this new issue of ETERNAL FIRE! Because it has taken quite some time for the editor to release this new issue, he has gained a lot of articles and interviews in his metal bag, and what you could read there is fucking massive! This last word, synonymous with heaviness, doesn't simply stand for the quantity of interviews, but also the quantity of content in itself (Héhé): Most of these interviews are fucking long and detailed, some contain so many infos you should really want to learn more about the band and reach some kind of maniacal fanatic state of emergency to carefully read everything! Will you be metal enough for that? Héhé. There are also quite a lot of reviews, it's quite developed and written in a serious/ cool state of mind. Maybe more criticism toward sucking bullshits would be nice, but I think the editor has reviewed quite a lot of things he likes. Some of the chronicled items aren't very fresh anymore, but it's how it is when a 124 page zine is finally released... The lay out is Ok: It's serious, a bit repetitive, but the text size is small and so much more content could be inserted... And you are there to read, not to watch pictures, ok?
This is great to read this kind of interviews, it could remind the works of BLOOD OF THE ANCIENT (R.I.P or on pause?) or maybe Frank from VOICES FROM THE DARKSIDE. This is a really cool informative issue that was built for those who like metal that actually sounds like metal (Call it "Old school" if you wish)... I wouldn't be surprised to see some peoples consider ETERNAL FIRE #4 as some kind of milestone in their collection, not because of the personality (Because it's a METAL zine whose spirit doesn't really differ from the cool old styled METAL zines… Maybe apart from the strong presence of exotic scenes) but because there's so much cool content and informations that it's impressive... I didn't achieve to read more than half until now... ARGH!
Interviews: Mortem, Incrust, Saram, Dying embrace, Cacodaemon, Revenge, Kratornas, Deformity, Disforterror, Headhunter D.c., Mezzula, Duel, Tonyn destructor, Fastkill, Black angel, Krieg, Necropsia, Grenade, Morbid upheaval, Maar, Ironsword, Wytchkraft, Dominus xul, Exterminator, Thornafire, Torfrom, Embalmed, Ordealis recs, Vrykolakas, Sabbat, Yawar inti productions…
c/o Donner Thomas, 36 quai Lamblardie, 76600 LE HAVRE. FRANCE.
This new A5 fanzine from the United states of harmonica reminds me what was often published before all kinds of sterile spiders vampirized the metal scene with their boring webs; It looks do it yourself and the content isn't focused on a particular kind of music but rather on a state of mind: Underground and extreme music, whatever kind of alternative it might choose... In a way it might remind of DEFIANCE OF GOTHIC NIRVANA, because of the cut and paste layout, the pictures and articles to be inserted here and there, the kind of music to be chronicled and the A5 (Kinda newsletterized) size, but the content isn't so provocative as the tone is more serious, or sober. The interviews are okey, not too focused on the usual promotional questions and so it offers a bit of variety... It might be a bit longer to offer more mental dissections. There are some music reviews (all underground) and some movie chronicles, located somewhere between the describing, the fuck you, and fanview... Maybe he would need to review more stuffs he doesn't like to offer the readers more pleasant crap-bashing moments héhé. I already knew a part of the content so the soap-prize wasn't too gastrically zigzaging. If you like deep underground scriptures that deal with any kind of alternative musics from the extreme, might it be noise, metal, punk or the dirty likes, you might find DJ EROTIC D. to be a nice coffee machine mama-groover (lol). You might get it in trade from something else (Not sure if used underwears are welcome, though).
c/o Sephirotic publishing, Po Box 270423, ST LOUIS MO, 63127, USA.
Email: No email adress... Move your ass, you little clicking beggar!